
6 Weeks to Berlin

Summer in the northeast has been very hot and humid. And also flying.

My training has had its ups and downs. Increasing volume to 70+ miles some weeks have really taken a toll on me. There are days when I wake up in the morning and know that I have a 12 miler scheduled before work, but all I want to do is just go back to sleep.

Last Thursday that is exactly what I did. I had been running for more than a week without a break. While I hit my Wednesday tempo run in the morning without a problem, I really felt so tired the whole day. Thursday morning came, I put on my running kit and was ready to go out of the door, but instead decided to browse the internet for 2 hours before work. I badly needed a running free morning. I am glad I did it. I felt less sluggish during the day, even energized. On Friday actually I did a double - 11 miles in the morning and 8 in the evening - and now am feeling good to run my long run later on today.

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