
Summer Plans

It has been almost a month since Boston. I have been taking it mostly easy, running around 40 miles a week. I have ran 2 races since then, however.

I raced the Lincoln Tunnel 5K on a rainy day a week after Boston and was happy to go under 20 min. And today, it was the Healthy Kidney 10K, which did not go as well as I planned. I got late to the start and was only able to place myself in the middle of the runners with red bibs. Start was slow and only reached the first mile at 7:20 (1 minute slower than I was intending). Only after Mile 4, I was able to hit my expected pace. In he end I finished at 40:01.

So, I am still searching for that sub-39 race. The next NYRR 10K will be in early July, so I will focus on training for that race and hope to reach my goal. Timing will be great as well, since I do not plan to start training for Berlin in mid-July anyway.

Other than that I will do my first relay team race in mid-June. It will be the Green Mountain Relay in Vermont. Our team is named Slow White and the 11 Dwarves. I got to meet most of my teammates this week and they are a fun bunch. I am looking forward to plenty of uphills, running in the middle of the evening. This promises to be an adventure!

1 comment:

Robert James Reese said...

Sorry to hear the race didn't go as well as you hoped. There will be plenty more chances for sub-39 though.