
One of these days...

... I will put in a solid 10k. I had high hopes that today at the Scotland Run would have been the day that I ran one in the low 38s, even perhaps in the 37s. But it was not to be.

I ran mostly easy run (save intervals on Tuesday) this week and had a fantastic 6 miler Friday morning. My body felt ready! A combination of having my parents for the weekend and a later run start, however, sabotaged those plans. As I woke up my father had prepared breakfast that included eggs, bread, cheese, cold cuts, coffee. I should have known better and stuck with my regular pre-race breakfast of banana and orange juice but could not resist it.

Warm up run felt heavy and slow, but still has hopeful that somehow I would digest breakfast in time and feel good. The race starts and nothing really changed. It just felt laboured throughout. To keep my mind busy I started listing all the famous Scots I could think of. Ewan McGregor, Sean Connery, JK Rolling, Muriel Spark (just read an article about her). Isn't Tony Blair a Scot? Some of my favorite bands are from Scotland: Travis, Glasvegas, Franz Ferdinand. I am a big fan of Ian Rankin books. That kept me going and I was able to consistently run around 6.20s. Never really had a kick at them end but was able to finish the race with a new PR (39.19).

No time to waste and thing about this. Boston is in 2 weeks and that is more important race. Maybe in later in the spring or summer I can race another 10k and perform better.

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