
It is cold out there!

The thermometer was registering 13F when I left for my long run at 8am this morning. If I did not know that Robert was waiting for me, I might have bailed out. I made the right choice.

Despite the frigid temperature it was a nice day to run -- sunny and almost no wind. There were quite a few runners at that time in Central Park and it made for a nice community of hardcore runners braving the adverse weather.

At the outset we agreed that 7.30s would be a nice pace for our 20 Mile run. But in the end we were only able to hit that target the first 2 mile, from them on we consistently kept getting faster (7.10s average for the first CP loop, 7.00s the second and 6.50s the last loop) despite our best efforts to slow down.

Fitness-wise I am really feeling strong. The last loop in special seemed effortless. I ended up running 20.29 miles at 7.11 mile pace.

1 comment:

Robert James Reese said...

That was such a good run. I still can't believe how effortless those quick paces seemed. Boston is going to be fun for you.